Think !
Came across a quote that made me pause recently.
“Five percent of the people think; ten percent of the people think they think; and the other eighty-five percent would rather die than think.“
I have to admit I am part of the 85 percent! I don’t like to think. Thinking makes you uncomfortable at times . I prefer ignorant bliss . It’s easier to deal with and helps you avoid facing reality.
Unfortunately for me I am past an age where the ignorant bliss no longer works ! It only works for a short time period. After some time you realize there is something wrong but it becomes harder to deal with because you are so used to pretending and ignoring.
You realize you have to stop and face reality. So you have to force yourself to think and you have to force yourself to see reality . It is the biggest favour you can do for yourself.
How do you force yourself to think ?
1. I find writing my problem statement, possible solutions and people’s responses helps me think and formulate my thoughts . I tend to think slower than others so I think doing this often will lead me to think without writing it down in the future .
2. Being aware of your own biases and being aware that you don’t always have to respond write away . More self awareness. I need to learn to do this . Will share if I am successful.
When I googled how to think I came across this site .
It has some useful items and is worth reading.
Good luck with your journey to improve your thinking.