Managing Individual Investor Portfolios
Risk Tolerance is affected by :
1. Source of wealth
2. Measure of wealth
3. Stage of life
There are two factors that affect risk tolerance. Willingness and Ability.
Psychological Profiling
- Rational Investor
- Risk Aversion
- Asset Integration
- Behavioural Biases
- Loss Aversion
- Segregation by goals
Different Type Of Investors
- Cautious
- Methodical
- Individualistic
- Spontaneous
Investment Policy Statement
Consist of :
- Return Objective
- Risk Tolerance
- Constraints
Also :
- Operational guidelines for portfolio construction
- Agreed basis for monitoring and review
- Liquidity
- Tax
- Legal and regulatory
- Unique
Strategic Asset Allocation
Find sets of assets that meets with guidelines set in the IPS .
Advantages Of Monte Carlo Approach
- More accurately portrays risk/return trade off
- Trade offs between long term and short term goals
- Realistic modeling of taxes
- Better suited to asses multi period effects